Sunday, March 28, 2010

My First College Party

Well I went to my first college party last night and all I can say is WOW. This was quite a new experience for me because where I come from we really don’t see parties quite like this. At home I was used to spending my Saturday nights at home or just hanging out at Walmart with my friends (this kind of gives you an idea of the type of party that I’m used to). On our way to the party we ran into two friends who were on their way back from the party. One girl was doing her very best to keep the other girl, who was obviously wasted, steady and upright. She was so far gone that she couldn’t even keep her balance or walk in a straight line. Seeing this made me a tad nervous. I was starting to wonder what other kind of scenes I would be seeing that night. My roommate kind of gave me the down low on college party etiquette: 1. Don’t stare at the drunks 2. Don’t lose your cool if the guys hit on you 3. Just have fun. The closer we got to the house the more nervous and less confident I felt. I wondered if this was such a good idea, but at the same time I felt like I needed the experience. Once we got inside we were taken into a room where people were doing nothing more then drinking. Some people were so far gone that they were tripping over things and being obnoxiously loud. I tried to remain cool and collected because I didn’t want to come off like college party virgin or a geek. Things got a little more interesting when one of the brothers came in and started playing his guitar...drunk. Surprisingly he was very good at it and his playing really started making the room feel more relaxed. My favorite song that he played was “The Scientist” by Coldplay. After that I really started having fun and feeling more relaxed. Once we made it back to our dorm rooms we saw a girl who was so drunk that some of the people on duty were advising her friend to take her to the hospital. So I guess I saw some of the highs and the lows of college party life. As of now I’m not sure where I stand on the college party issue. I’m not sure if I’ll go back or not.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

No English Class Friday!!!

I am so excited that we do not have English class on Friday. Nothing is better than sleeping in on a Friday. It’s an amazing feeling just sitting here knowing that tomorrow I am not required to get up until at least noon. I wish that all of my Fridays could be this way and I bet most college students would agree with me. That’s the great thing about college. If the professor can’t make it to class on a certain day neither do you. Also whenever the professor is finished with their lecture you are dismissed soon after which is awesome because in high school even if the teacher is finished for the day you still have to remain in class until the bell rings. For me that was a snooze fest. Oh and I am so happy that I no longer have “in class work.” Nothing is worse then sitting in class working on in class work and most of the time it was just busy work just to fill in time. So to all of my friends still in high school I love you guys but wah wah waaahhh. :-( Thank god that I am no longer in high school. College is so much better.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Perfect Day: Relaxing in Bed while Watching Roseanne

Today is one of those days where I’m living out my perfect day and it’s a Sunday which is the real surprise. Normally I am running around all over the place trying to finish up last minute homework and whatever else I have going on. This Sunday is a little bit different because right now I am just laying in bed watching my favorite TV show ever created, Roseanne. Roseanne for me personally is the most relaxing TV show for me to watch. For those of you that know the show this might come as surprise but I don’t really know how to explain it...the show just makes me feel at ease and relaxed. I guess it’s because I used to put it in right before I went to bed and would watch it in the morning before I went to school. Roseanne also makes me laugh until it hurts and makes me proud to be a part of the middle class because let’s face it...we have WAY more fun. :-) I recommend this show to anyone who is looking for a good laugh and can truly appreciate a white trash middle class type of family. But anyway today has been one of my perfect days and thank god for that. I’ve needed one for quite some time now.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

English 103 Course Goals

1. Understand that persuasion-both visual and verbal-is integral to reading and composing. I feel that for the most part I understand this concept because with any type of reading or composition there is an element of persuasion to it, but at the same time this concept is still a bit fuzzy for me.

2. Understand how persuasive visual and verbal texts are composed for different audiences and different purposes. I understand that it is very important to take into account the type of audience you are speaking to because there is a big difference between talking to a group of your peers and a group of wealthy benefactors. You also need to think about what your purpose for writing is and then figure how to showcase that your purpose effectively: is it better to focus more on verb texts, visual texts, or is both necessary?

3. Develop effective strategies of invention, drafting, and revision for different rhetorical situations and individual composing styles. I feel that throughout this process I have learned many different ways of inventing, drafting, and revising my essays so that I can allow them to reach their full potential and really get my point across. You must think about what your trying to say, how you want to get it across, and what audience you are addressing. Not only are these strategies important for my own essays but they are also important for when I am looking critically over someone else’s essay. The more you develop your own effective strategies the better you will be at being able to help someone else develop their own strategies.

4. Compose texts in various media using solid logic, claims, evidence, creativity, and audience awareness. I definitely understand the importance of using solid logic, claims, and evidence to support your position and actually strengthen your position overall. With my multimedia project I found out how creativity can really help you get your audience’s attention. These two go both hand in hand. The more the creative you are the more you will gain your audience’s awareness.

5. Integrate primary and secondary research as appropriate to the rhetorical situation. I’m not really sure about the integration between primary and secondary research. I’m not really sure what primary and secondary research means exactly.

6. Develop strategies for becoming more critical and careful readers of both your own and others’ texts. I have definitely learned that it is very important to be very critical of your own and other’s texts because that is the only way for all of us to become better writers. It’s a great way for all of us to grow.

7. Demonstrate a professional attitude towards writing by focusing on the need for appropriate format, syntax, punctuation, and spelling. I feel that through this class I have found it to be very important to have good format, syntax, punctuation, and spelling because if you don’t your work looks elementary and weak.

8. Take responsibility for your own progress. I have throughout this process taken great responsibility for my own progress. I look at it as I’m my only worst enemy and I’m the only one in control of my own progress.

9. Develop the ability to work well with others on composing tasks. Through the group work I have learned how to better well work with others on composing tasks. Also putting our brains together really helps us all out in the end.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The End of Spring Break is Here...

I am really enjoying my spring break and I’m not really ready to go back to school tomorrow. I enjoy being able to sleep in and just go about my day as I please without the constant worry about what I need to get done for the day. I am also missing all of my friends who are still living in Elkhart. I was only able to see one of my very good friends and we had an awesome time together. We went to the mall and then grabbed some pizza and movies. For anybody who’s interested “All About Steve” is an awesome movie for those of you who have some sense of humor. Sandra Bullock best geek ever! I am still having a hard time understanding how she won the award for worst actress in that movie. She was both brilliant and lovable all at the same time. Love her! She also had the best name in movie history “Mary Magdalene Horowitz (said whore-row-wits).” For those of you familiar with the bible you will get the joke behind the name. It’s been a lazy and fun filled spring break. I’m not ready to go back to Ball State. :-(

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Natalee Holloway

I’m currently watching the Natalee Holloway story on Lifetime and I am utterly disgusted with how the Aruba government and police did so little to help the Holloway’s find their daughter. I am so disturbed and upset with that whole mess that there are no words. I can’t even imagine how her parents must’ve felt. The Aruba government and police let her murderer or murderers get away without a care in the world. I’m sure if it was their child they would be doing everything in their power to find them even if it meant pulling a few strings. That is exactly what Beth Holloway did and she did it brilliantly. Despite all of the protests demanding that she leave the island and the entire Aruba government and police working against her she managed to be steadfast and strong. She did what any mother would do...she fought for her child. All I have to say is to the people of Aruba who did not help the Holloways or hindered their search in any way read me loud and clear: SCREW ALL OF YOU. You guys are disgusting and I hope that if you are ever in need that noone will come to your aid. Joran, you don’t deserve to have any life at all. You got out of things way too easily and you should thank you’re lucky stars that you’re not behind bars or worse. Why don’t you be a man and own up to your mistakes and quit hiding behind your father like a boy about to wet his pants? Grow some and give her family some peace. It’s not like if you came out anything would happen because god knows nothing has. It’s been years and you’re still walking free while her family suffers. How can you sleep at night? Well you’re judgement day will come whether it be on earth or in another life. I hope you’re ready because daddy won’t be there to bail you out. To the family of Natalee Holloway my heart goes out to you and to Natalee I hope you can finally rest in peace. To those of you going far away for spring break please be safe and keep your guards up so that you will come home safe and sound.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Website: Living Dolls Baby Dolls